尔学网 句子说说 许飞、刘恋《The Days With You》歌词完整版(火火)

许飞、刘恋《The Days With You》歌词完整版(火火)

许飞、刘恋《The Days With You》歌词完整版

许飞、刘恋《The Days With You》

歌手 : 许飞、刘恋
作词 : 许飞
作曲 : 许飞

《The Days With You》完整版歌词

Don't give me a weak excuse
I should have seen right through the ruse
But it helps me to pull through
And find a way to break loose
Just let you go and set you free
Pretending to be strong
But your weakness let us down
Leaves me drowning in tears
When you're not around
Your frozen heart seemed to thaw
She is happy like angel
She came into your life
No other choice from now on
Call you darling on last time
Have you ever thought of me
I lost myself my sanity
In the days when you were only mine

Don't give me a weak excuse
I should have seen right through the ruse
But it helps me to pull through
And find a way to break loose
Just let you go and set you free
Pretending to be strong
But your weakness let us down
Leaves me drowning in tears
When you're not around
Your frozen heart seemed to thaw
She is happy like angel
She came into your life
No other choice from now on
Call you darling on last time
Have you ever thought of me
I lost myself my sanity
In the days when you were only mine

I lost myself my sanity
In the days when you were only mine
I lost myself my sanity
In the days when you were only mine

《The Days With You》歌词表达及评论赏析


Valentine You:听到了厦门首唱《The Days With You》?幸福!

